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Crime Stoppers At Work

Crime Stoppers NSW celebrates 35 years of creating a safer community

Crime Stoppers NSW has marked 35 years of helping to keep the community safe through the prevention, awareness and reporting of crimes in conjunction with the NSW Police Force. When Crime Stoppers began, there was an average of 500 calls a month. Today, there is an average of 10,000 contacts (via phone and online) per […]


Crime Stoppers received information regarding the use of firearms at a nominated location. As a direct result of this information, local police attended and spoke with the resident. The resident made admissions to the illegal use of firearms and incorrect storage and as a result was charged with firearm related offences.


Crime Stoppers received information relating to a male person being actively involved in the supply of prohibited drugs within New South Wales. As a result of the investigation, police applied for a search warrant which was granted and executed. Police seized a substantial amount of methylamphetamine with an estimated street value of $117,036. The nominated […]


Information was received at Crime Stoppers relating to a Young Person being in possession of a firearm.  As a direct results of the Crime Stoppers information, Police attended the nominated home address.   The Young Person admitted to possession and produced a replica firearm and pellets that were seized.  The Young Person was dealt with under […]


Crime Stoppers received information relating a person of interest committing traffic offences whilst under the influence of prohibited drugs. As a result of the police investigation, several arrests and charges were made in relation to the nominated offences.  Police also applied for a search warrant which was granted and executed. Police located a substantial amount […]


A male person entered a convenience store an approached a female employee at which point he sexually touched her.   As a result of a media release, Crime Stoppers has received numerous contacts which has identified the male person of interest and his residential address.  Police have attended the nominated address and arrested the male suspect.  […]


Information was received at Crime Stoppers relating to a location for drug manufacture within theSydney Metro area. Local Police were called to the location where it was discovered that it was being used to grow and cultivate cannabis.  During the execution of a Crime Scene warrant police located and seized $345,000 worth of cannabis.  Police […]


Information was supplied to Crime Stoppers about two males and a female supplying illicit drugs in the Newtown and Stanmore area as part of a drug distribution ring.

SEXUAL ASSAULT, 16 charges

Information was received by Crime Stoppers in relation to the historical sexual assault of six young females in the Cabramatta/Canley Vale area…


Crime Stoppers received information that unregistered firearms were stored contrary to safe storage requirements in a wooden cupboard on a rural property in Cassilis…


Education is the key to keeping children safe online

Education is the key to keeping children safe whether in the park or online. With children as young as 8 years old* using social media and messaging, its important their care network knows how to help children safely navigate online. Crime Stoppers (NSW), NSW Police Force, eSafety Commissioner and the Australian Federal Police-led Australian Centre […]

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….. for burglaries

Keep your home safe these holidays Break and enter for homes have risen by around 10% in the past two years from July 2021 to June 2023*.  With homes full of Christmas presents and the chance homeowners will be holidaying away, this time of year is attractive for burglars and the reason why break and […]

Keeping kids safe online during school holiday time

Crime Stoppers, NSW Police Force, eSafety Commissioner and the Australian Federal Police-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation are joining forces this holiday season to raise awareness of the safety risks facing young people online.

Working together to reduce crime in retail

Retail crime continues to rise.  Theft in retail has increased substantially in the past year, and this is coupled with aggression and violence in retail environments which has amplified in recent times. Retail workers are being abused, threatened, and attacked which puts nearby shoppers at risk.

Community collaboration to reduce crimes against farmers in rural NSW

“Reporting is essential to preventing and solving crime” Crime Stoppers NSW and the NSW Police Force, Rural Crime Prevention Team are at AgQuip, Gunnedah today to announce a state-wide crime campaign calling for the community to ramp up rural crime reporting with the aim of solving and preventing further crime. Crime in rural NSW continues […]

MEDIA RELEASE: Keeping children safe in the online playground

New research commissioned by NSW Crime Stoppers has found many parents do not believe or believe it’s unlikely that their child is at risk of being contacted by a stranger online. The survey*, conducted with over 1,000 parents across Australia, looked at the attitudes and behaviours of parents regarding their child’s online activity. While over […]

MEDIA RELEASE Show us your guns: NSW residents encouraged to surrender or register guns as part of permanent firearms amnesty

Issued at 5am, Friday 2 July 2021 NSW Police Force and Crime Stoppers are calling for residents to register or surrender illegal firearms and ammunition without being penalised for illegal possession, as part of the first ever permanent national amnesty. Crime Stoppers and police across the country are giving Australians a chance to surrender for destruction unwanted […]

Regional Crime

“Draw the line on regional crime” is the central message to the new Regional Crime Campaign being launched today. In NSW, over 80% of farmers have reported being a victim of crime according to new research by the Centre for Rural Criminology, University of New England.  Even more critical is the high levels of repeat […]

Prohibited Plant Trading

A new state-wide environmental crime campaign by Crime Stoppers is being launched to address the ongoing issue of crimes having a devastating effect on our waterways.

Child Protection

Crime Stoppers and the NSW Police Force have joined forces with the eSafety Commissioner to launch a Child Protection campaign to combat child sexual abuse and unwanted contact online.

Cyber Crime

At a time when Australian small business has never been more vulnerable to cyber fraud and scams, Crime Stoppers welcomes the launch of an anti-cybercrime initiative to help the Australian small business community protect itself from cyber scams and payment fraud.

Dob in a Drug Dealer

NSW Police and Crime Stoppers will today launch the “Dob in a Dealer” (DIAD) state-wide campaign aimed at mobilising members of the public in the fight against illicit drugs.

Blitz Against Rural Crime

A new state-wide Rural Crime campaign by Crime Stoppers and the NSW Police Force is being launched to address the ongoing issue of crimes affecting regional New South Wales.