One in 10 people have been a victim of illicit drug-related incidents.
The wider community has been affected through significant health and social costs.
The drug trade is estimated to be worth more than $10 BILLION per year, profits of which are often used to fund other illegal activity including human trafficking. Much of the violence in our neighbourhoods can be linked to drug trafficking.
With drugs remaining the number one crime concern for all Australians*, Crime Stoppers has launched a new campaign with family and community safety the top priority, The National Illicit Drug Campaign.
This initiative aims to disrupt the drug trade to make our families and communities safer.
Crime Stoppers understand people who are a part of the drug trade or know someone who is.
They are worried for their own safety or the safety of their family and want to report what they know. This is where Crime Stoppers can assist.
Mr. Peter Price AM CEO, NSW Crime Stoppers, said “the Crime Stoppers contact centre operates 24/7, 365 days a year centrally located in regional NSW (not at your local police station).
“If you suspect someone or know something, share it with Crime Stoppers before it’s too late. It’s what you know that’s important, not who you are^” Mr Price added.
There are many reasons why someone might report crime and one of the main reasons is the safety of a friend, family member or someone they know. Others report crime because they suspect or know someone is drug trafficking, their partner wants out but is fearful of harm or retaliation or there are facilitators of offences who want to exit the criminal life with assistance from police.
Crime Stoppers has shared some key things to look out for that may indicate illegal activity. It could be:
- Unexplained wealth – particularly high-end purchases such as cars, motorcycles, property, or jewellery).
- Visible tattoos depicting OMCG symbolism or an overt display of gang logo/patches on a person or their clothing or a flag or sticker at their home.
- Strange timing of movements.
- Favours – an employee is asked by another employee to access sensitive information and in return they are offered favour, influence, friendship, cash or status.
Crime Stoppers will be running events over the coming months to talk to the community about safety.
You can help by reporting anything suspicious, strange, or concerning. Any piece of information, anything you have seen or heard, may be crucial in preventing or solving a crime.
Click or call Crime Stoppers: on 1800 333 000/ nsw.crimestoppers.com.au
For a crime in progress call Triple Zero (000). Save Triple Zero for Emergencies (000)
Your family. Your community. Your call. It does make a difference.
PLEASE NOTE: For media information, interviews, or visuals, please contact NSW Crime Stoppers Media Advisor, Cecelia Haddad, on 0487 333 000 or via email at [email protected]
- 1 in 10 people reference – Illicit Drug Use report, Dec 2022, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/illicit-use-of-drugs/illicit-drug-use
- $10bn annual value of illicit drugs – most recent wastewater testing result from ACIC – https://www.acic.gov.au/publications/national-wastewater-drug-monitoring-program-reports
- Meth, cocaine, MDMA and Heroin most dominant drugs – ACIC wastewater testing report – https://www.acic.gov.au/publications/national-wastewater-drug-monitoring-program-reports
- Independent research re drugs number one concern in Australia, Colmar Brunton Report 2020
^ refer (see www.nsw.crimestoppers.com.au/disclosure/)