Illicit drugs continue to be a serious concern to the community. It not only costs millions of dollars in healthcare and law enforcement but tragically and unnecessarily it costs human lives. Drugs kill.
NSW Police and Crime Stoppers is reaching out to the community to help fight the war on drugs. We know from history that public reports help police intervene in criminal activity and disrupt organised crime gangs who are responsible for the manufacture and supply of these drugs.
There are often some tell-tale signs if a home is being used as a drug house, such as lights on at all hours of the day and night, cars and people arriving at odd times, or large drums and other equipment being disposed of at the property.
If there is anything you have seen or heard that could relate to the import, manufacture, or supply of illicit drugs we need you to report this to Crime Stoppers. It’s what you know that’s of interest to us, not who you are.
If you think you have information about someone in your community who is manufacturing or supplying drugs, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 for a confidential conversation, or report securely online at