Rural Crime Campaign
A state-wide rural crime campaign has been launched to address the ongoing issues of rural crime in our community which has become a growing area of concern affecting the whole of NSW, not just the farming community. The key crime areas include illegal hunting, stock theft, trespassing and firearm theft.
Our farmers are under siege. Already adversely affected by the drought, rural crime is having a significant and direct effect on the economic welfare of farmers and their families. The campaign developed helps educate regional communities on how they can deter or prevent crime in their area while encouraging the reporting of crime.
To make a real difference, we need a whole of community approach. There are some preventative measures that can be undertaken such as installing cameras, ensuring gates are locked and in the case of firearm theft, ensuring guns are locked and ammunition kept separate to any firearms.
It is also important to report crime as soon as it occurs, whether you are the victim, or you have witnessed a crime. A call to Crime Stoppers or the Police at the earliest opportunity increases the chances of recovering stolen livestock or firearms and catching the people committing these terrible crimes.”
If you think you have information about someone in your community who has committed a crime call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 for a confidential conversation, or report securely online at