If you contact us on the internet
- Report crime online here: police.nsw.gov.au/crime_report
- Sharing crime information with Crime Stoppers online is secure
- The information you provide is assessed by NSW Police Force intelligence analysts and sent to the police for investigation.
- The information you supply may form the final piece of the puzzle or alert police to the existence of a criminal or crime.
- NEVER report a crime on the Crime Stoppers Facebook page
- Rewards of up to $1,000 may be paid if your information leads to an arrest. The Board of Crime Stoppers NSW oversees the program and approves reward payments.
If you dial 1800 333 000 for Crime Stoppers
- Crime Stoppers does not record calls
- It’s your decision whether to disclose your identity
- Your information is more valuable to us than your identity
- It’s your choice if you’d like to tell us your name and contact details. In that case, the police may discreetly contact you as their investigation proceeds