Crime Stoppers Australia Limited (CSA), and any of its affiliates or related State/Territory based jurisdictions or government related departments, including State and Federal Police Organisations and other law enforcement agencies (collectively here referred to as “CSA”) licenses Sponsors and Third Parties to use its Crime Stoppers brand. CSA has undertaken all reasonable endeavours to ensure that these companies are of good repute.

However, CSA does not provide any warranty, guarantee, promise or representation in relation to the goods or services that these companies provide, nor does it endorse these products or services. Consumers should rely upon their own enquiries in this regard.


The entire content of this website including the Crime Stoppers logo (“Logo”) is protected under the Copyright Act (1968). You must not download, copy or otherwise reproduce the Logo or any other part of this website without the express consent of Crime Stoppers. Any unauthorised use of the Logo is also likely to be a breach of the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) as well as the Trademarks Act (1995) as the Logo is a registered Trade Mark. Crime Stoppers views any misuse or unauthorised use of its Logo as a serious offence and will not hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to protect its rights and the rights of the public who may be mislead by such conduct.